Profit Sharing
Earn from Degen Bid's Profit!
One of the most exciting benefits of holding a Degen Bid NFT is the opportunity to receive a portion of the platform's profits. The profits will be calculated as any SOL made by the Degen Bid platform, less any expenses that the platform incurs. These expenses may include design, development, marketing, NFT Purchases, SOL auction packs, or wages for the Degen Bid team.
As an NFT holder, you'll receive a share of the profits generated by the platform, providing a unique way to earn passive income and benefit from the success of the platform. The more NFTs you hold, the larger your share of the profits will be, giving you even more incentive to invest in the platform and participate in auctions.
Overall, Profit Sharing is an innovative feature that sets Degen Bid apart from other penny auction sites. By providing a way to earn passive income from the platform's profits, Degen Bid NFT holders can benefit from the platform's success and maximize their returns on investment.
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